Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Color Schemes

Color Schemes


100 points:
1. Monochromatic (Abstract) (RGB)
2. Complementary (Abstract) (RGB)
3. Near Complement (Abstract) (RGB)

100 points:
4. Analogous (Book Cover) (RGB)
5. Classic Triad (Book Cover) (RGB or CMYK)
6. Accented Analogous (Book Cover) (RGB)

100 points:
7. Split Complementary (Fictional Product) (RGB or CMYK)
8. Classic Tetrad (Fictional Product) (RGB or CMYK)
9. Dual Complementary (Fictional Product) (RGB or CMYK)

10.Open Palette (Fictional Amusement Park)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fictional Book Covers


Lisa Yuskavage
Robert McGinnis
Frank Frazetta


ASSIGNMENT 1-key and saturation

1. Achromatic mixed key
2. Chromatic gray high key
3. Chromatic gray low key
4. Chromatic gray mixed key
5. Muted low key
6. Muted high key
7. Muted mixed key
8. Prismatic middle key
9. Prismatic mixed key
10. Mixed saturation, mixed key

ASSIGNMENT 2-color schemes
1. Monochromatic
2. Complementary
3. Near Complement
4. Analogous
5. Classic Triad
6. Accented Analogous
7. Split Complementary
8. Classic Tetrad
9. Dual Complementary
10.Open Pallette

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Color Schemes

color-wheel color-wheel-2 cmyk-color-wheel-lg


Accent color

Intermediate hues-the chromatic grays and muted colors created by the gradation of two RGB colors

Monochromatic- 1 hue
various intensities of same hue

Complementary- two hues directly opposite on the color wheel
various intensities of these hues
intermediate hues of various intensities created with the gradation of the two complements

Near Complement-two hues opposite each other on the color wheel, but slightly askew
various intensities of these hues
intermediate hues of various intensities created with the gradation of the two complements

Analogous- 3 adjacent hues
various intensities of these hue


Classic Triad-3 equidistant hues on the color wheel

Accented Analogous -3 adjacent hues and the complement of the middle hue (accent color)
various intensities of these hues
intermediate hues of various intensities created with the gradation of the two analogous colors and the accent color

Split Complementary- an accented analogous without the middle analogous hue
various intensities of these hues
intermediate hues of various intensities created with the gradation of the split analogous hues and the accent color

Classic Tetrad- 4 equidistant hues on the color wheel

Dual Complementary- two adjacent hues and their complements
various intensities of these hues
intermediate hues of various intensities created with the gradation of the two adjacent complements

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


1. Achromatic mixed key 
2. Chromatic gray high key 
3. Chromatic gray low key 

4. Chromatic gray mixed key 
ALREADY DONE (theoretically)

5. Muted low key 
6. Muted high key 
7. Muted mixed key 
ALSO DUE NEXT WEEK (september 9)

8. Prismatic middle key 
9. Prismatic mixed key 
10. Mixed saturation, mixed key 
DUE September 16

Extra credit 1. Mixed saturation high key 2. Mixed saturation low key


check out some of these cool posters now on exhibit at Ritter Gallery at FAU LINK